Simhachalam Temple Celebrates Jyeshtha Poornami Festival with Divine Fragrances


Reconstruction Program Commences for Nookambika Ammavari Temple in Anakapalli

The reconstruction program for Nookambika Ammavari Temple in Anakapalli has begun with an auspicious ceremony. Distinguished religious leaders and prominent political figures, along with a multitude of devotees, came together to witness the commencement of this significant undertaking.


Simhachalam, Newstoday: The Simhadri Appanna Swamy temple in Simhachalam was filled with divine fragrances as Sri Chandan (sandalwood) was offered during the grand Jyeshtha Poornami festival on Sunday. The day began with the priests performing the Suprabhata Seva, waking up Lord Simhadrinath, and offering morning prayers. The rituals commenced with the worship of Vishvaksena and Punyahavachanam in the presence of Swami.

As part of the traditional sandalwood offering, three beads of srigandham (a mixture of sandalwood and spices) were meticulously prepared in advance and beautifully adorned with a potti cloth, presented to Lord Simhadrinath. Special prayers, worship ceremonies, and reports were offered, allowing devotees to witness the divine presence of the Lord.

To mark the significance of the Jyesthmasam, the temple adorned the stage in the Asthana mandapam with idols of Sridevi and Bhudevi, along with Govindaraja Swamy and the Alwaracharyas. The deities were bathed in a ceremonial ritual called Tirumanjanam, accompanied by Vedic mantras and the melodious sounds of nadasvara mangala instruments. The proceedings continued with a candlelight service and the presentation of Shodashopacharam (16 types of rituals).

During the festival, both Lord Simhadrinath and Ammavar (Goddess) were magnificently decorated with sandalwood, accompanied by enchanting recitations. Under the guidance of the temple’s principal, Godavarthi Srinivasacharya, and Sthanacharya TP Rajagopal, the priests conducted various Vedic programs, adding to the spiritual ambiance of the event.

The Jyeshtha Poornami festival holds immense significance in the Hindu calendar, and devotees from far and wide gathered at Simhachalam Temple to seek the blessings of Lord Simhadrinath and experience the divine aura. The fragrance of Sri Chandan and the devotion-filled atmosphere created a sense of peace and tranquility among the worshippers.

As the festival concluded, devotees left with hearts full of joy and spiritual fulfillment, cherishing the sacred moments spent in the divine presence of Lord Simhadrinath and Ammavar. The Jyeshtha Poornami festival at Simhachalam Temple serves as a reminder of the rich cultural and religious traditions that continue to thrive, offering devotees a profound spiritual experience.